Disclaimer: The photo above does not depict the couple or wedding mentioned in this article. It is included solely for illustrative purposes, while certain Reddit threads I discovered online have proven useful.

I'm not saying anything but...this totally validates my love for photography. 101 reasons why you should hire a photographer.

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Source: Reddit | u/pigeonhelppls

"People who had a budget weddings, is there anything you wish you had spent a little extra cash on or for?" says u/pidgeonhelppls

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Source: Reddit | u/alizadk

"One of my bridesmaids got married right out of college(coming up on 20 years next year.) She told me that she wished she had spent more on photography and her dress." u/alizadk says.

This. ☝️

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Source: Reddit | u/jcclune73

"A photographer. Everything else becomes a memory and I have no good photos." Says u/jjclune73

I've heard of this story countless of times! So many brides skimp out on photography that it just so shitty to hear that from them.

"I am talking candid, fun, in the moment photos that captured the day."


"Still a regret 27 years later but I am happily married so there is that!"

If you've saved your wedding dress, then you could probably do a photo shoot in the city :)

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Source: Reddit | u/PearBear252627

U/PearBear252627 replies, "So thankful you said candid because we are aiming for documentary photos so I get all the photos with family I rarely see anymore. I can recreate dress photos but not being with them."

Agreed. Getting couples shots is one thing, but photographing people in the action is another element to it.

I anticipate those moments when the small nephews and nieces running around, dads going for a handshake or a hug.

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Source: Reddit | u/femmagorgon

"I'm not married yet but most of my friends who have gotten married have all said that one of the areas you should not cheap out on is photography. Good photography makes a huge difference." says u/femmagorgon

Those are good friends.


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Source: Reddit | u/DenaNina

"Photographer." Says DenaNina.

This ☝️ Yell it out for the people in the back u/DenaNina.

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Source: Reddit | u/quarterpunderwchz

u/Quarterpounderwchz says, "I haven't had my own wedding yet, but i've heard from several family members that a good photographer is worth splurging on, so i'm keeping that in mind while we build our budget."


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Source: Reddit | u/gold5alli

u/gold5alli says, "My friend's wedding had dinner and open bar, but these are the things she kept under a very small budget. She splurged on the venue, dress, etc."

"Three years later and I remember that she looked so happy and that the dinner and drinks were pretty awful. I don't remember the venue, but that she only had a hibiscus lavender cocktail and chardonnay as drinks besides water."

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Source: Reddit | u/corn2824

"Videographer is a huge splurge but is my one regret. Everything else was so budget so theres nothing I really could've cut back on to do it. I just wish we had video." Says u/corn2824.

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Source: Reddit | u/IShouldBeReading06

"Nope. Married 10 days ago and I haven't seen the photos yet, but have seen a few taken with phones. Look, I'm not photogenic at all, and my husband is clearly hugely uncomfortable having photos taken. But we were happy to be married, and whatever the photos show I'll remember that feeling when we see them.

We're starting married life without any wedding costs. It was fantastic. :)"

More upvotes on this. No one likes getting their photos taken, even me. I hate being in front of the camera lol

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Source: Reddit | u/ChannelEffective9174

"Second photographer or a videographer. Had a few older family members attend my wedding that weren't on the dance floor thus, there were no pictures of them at all." says u/ChannelEffective9174

Oh well.

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Source: Reddit | u/Antique_Bumblebee_13

"I so badly wish we had a video of our vows. Our officiant was one of my best friends from college (both English majors) and he made his officiating speech himself. My husband and I also wrote our own vows. Everyone was crying, I wish we hired a videographer." Says u/Antique_Bumblebee_13

Videography is such a different beast than photography. Yes we essentially hold the same capturing devices, but how we edit them is almost so different than the other.

I'd love offering my clients a video for their wedding ceremony because vows hold such an enlightening experience when watched 2, 5, and 10 years from now.

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Source: Reddit | u/pasbair1917

"I agree with this. Even if you don't have a videographer for every other part of the day - at least the ceremony..." Says u/pasbair1917.

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Source: Reddit | u/OwlQT438

"I had a budget wedding in Mexico and my biggest expense was photography and videography. I'm so happy we invested in this because we can relive our day over and over! Couldn't recommend this enough!" says u/OwlQT438.

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Source: Reddit | u/_curse10_

"Not me but someone I know decided not to hire a photographer at all. I'm not sure why because they and their parents were generally very well off and I know the brides parents at least paid for most of the wedding. They just thought that cell phone pics from guests and the photo booth they hired for the reception would be good enough. "


"The bride has regrets."


Download your "How to get engagement photos that SLAYYY"

In this guide, you'll find:

  • Complete Engagement Session with Photos
  • 20 Different Prompts & posing tips
  • What to wear based off of the photographers style
  • Location Tips + Best Wrightsville Beach Access
  • Printing for Save the Date/RSVP Cards

Hey! I'm Glenn, a Wedding and Portrait Photographer

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Wilmington Wedding Photographers

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I hope y'all enjoyed the article. If you want to book an appointment to talk about pricing, features, etc. click on the button below to get y'alls sorted out!

If you're in the early and beginning stages of wedding planning, my friend Devon who owns a wedding planning business might be able to help out!